HOW drilling water wells helps girls get an education

4 girls cropped

4 girls cropped

Girls the world over have a lot in common. Of course, they love to play with their friends— running, laughing, giggling, braiding each other’s hair, and singing silly songs. They love to spend time with their families: eating together, playing jokes on their siblings, maybe asking to hear a bedtime story.

And, by age 12, it is common for girls to have hopes and dreams about their future. They dream about what they want to be when they grow up and start planning on how to achieve their goals. 

However, gIrls in Mozambique, especially those that fall beneath the poverty line, don’t dream about their future because the decision of a lack of education. Only 1 in 4 girls in poor, rural villages have the opportunity to attend school because, in their culture, it is the girls that must fetch and carry water every day for their household’s needs, always walking long distances. And, that takes all day—hours they could be in school.

Statistics show when young Mozambican women get an education, they:

    • Join the workforce and make higher incomes.

    • Marry later, have fewer children, and healthier children, making them better equipped to adequately care for their children and families.

    • Are 3x less likely to become HIV/AIDS positive.

    • Will send their own girls to school.

    • Contribute to their community.

One water well at a time, the cycle of poverty and disease is being broken.

Clean, safe water changes everything, even giving girls back their hopes and dreams for a brighter future!


Don't Drink the Water!


A 3 Cup Shower